How You Can Replace The Front Bushings On The Sway Bar Of A Jeep Cherokee

If you are hearing crunching sounds as you turn the corner in your Jeep Grand Cherokee, it often means that the bushings on the front or back sway bar need replacing. The sway bar is used to control the shifting of the weight of the vehicle as you turn your Jeep around a corner and keeps it so the Jeep doesn't feel like it's going to tip over. Replacing the rubber bushings on the Jeep is something that most people who are handy with tools can do themselves. If your Jeep is making crunching sounds as you turn the vehicle, here is how you can replace the rubber bushings on the front sway bar.

Location of Front Sway Bar

The sway bar is a metal bar that runs underneath the front end of the frame of the jeep right behind the bumper. The sway bar is connected to a bracket on the axles on both sides of the vehicle. The sway bar bushings are placed on the bar where it passes underneath the frame. The bushings are covered with a U-shape metal cover. You should be able to slide under the front of the Jeep and reach the bushings without having to raise it off of the ground.

Removing Bushings

The U–shaped covers over the bushings are bolted into the bottom of the front of the frame. You will need a ratchet set with metric sockets. Remove the bolts and take the cover off of the bushings. The sway bar will drop down a little to give you room to work when you remove the bolts to the cover.

The bushings are made out of rubber and have a slit cut through them on one side. The slit is made so the bushing will open enough so you can slide it over and off of the sway bar. Pull the slit open and take the bushings off of the sway bar.

Replace Bushings

Take your new bushings out of the box. You should put some grease on the bar and inside the bushings to prevent squealing sounds when you turn our Jeep while driving. Do not use petroleum-based grease on rubber bushings. The petroleum will eat through the rubber and cause them to fail prematurely. Instead, use silicon-based grease to lightly coat the bar and inside of the bushings. Open the slit on the bushings and slide them over the bar. Place the cover back on the top of the bushings, and bolt the cover to the bottom of the frame.

Now, take the Jeep out for a test drive to make sure all the noise you were hearing is eliminated.

For auto repair, contact a company such as Jones Automotive
